
Don't Overdo Ad Tech Partnerships: A Lesson From...Oktoberfest?

Netmining President Chris Hansen attended Oktoberfest in Munich this year, and the company subsequently put together a small, lighthearted infographic detailing the marketing "lessons" he took away from his experience.

Likening the ad tech marketplace to the abundance of beer available at Oktoberfest, Netmining writes, "There's plenty of ad tech players in the world of display, but some are going to be better media partners than others. Don't overdo it by loading your media plan with too many providers; they can lead to overlap and media waste."

Sticking with the drinking references — because what else would be repeatedly referenced from Oktoberfest? — Netmining writes that, just like there's more to Oktoberfest than beer, "there's more to audience targeting than just going after your existing users and finding them on endemic sites." They add that programmatic media-buying can be used to prospect for new audiences.

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