Twitter released Promoted Accounts in Search on Tuesday, building on its Promoted Accounts in the Timeline feature that debuted a few months ago.
With this launch, relevant Promoted Accounts are seen in search results along with recommendations of people to follow. As people search for information, the feature automatically selects search queries based on the advertiser's targeting choices.
On engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo search aims to connect consumers who are looking for stuff with information or companies that sell or manufacture what they need.
In August, Twitter pointed to a study from Market Probe International, which found that people are 72% more likely to make a purchase from a brand they follow or engage with on Twitter. The study fielded 500 people age 18 and older in the U.S. and the U.K. who follow small and medium-size businesses on the site.
And while Promoted Accounts in Search might seem a bit trivial, the ability to match Twitter tweets with users creates the initial connection between two parties.
Analyzing the information available on
Twitter, Pew Research Internet Project mapped the social landscape,
building a network structure to study the way people search for information and communicate on Twitter. They identified at least six structures of social media crowds that form depending on the
subject being discussed, the information sources being cited, the social networks of the people talking about the subject, and the leaders of the conversation.
Having that information gives
marketers insight into social ad targeting. It identifies the Twitter users who act like the influencers, the hubs and the bridges in the conversations, which enables brands to make a lasting