NEW! Planters Peanuts Add Flavor To Tastebuds And Attitudes

plantersMr. Peanut is launching a new line of Planters peanuts that are full of protein, flavor and attitude. Take the husband in need of alone time in "Salon." He's not afraid to tell his wife that he needs some "me" time in the form of a mani and pedi. See it here. A woman noshing on salted caramel peanuts exudes both a salty and sweet attitude when questioned about a work presentation she spent all night creating. One co-worker dislikes her use of sound effects, so, not surprisingly, he gets the salty attitude. She showers her other co-worker with compliments, prompting him to agree with her use of unneeded sound effects. Watch it here. Need some pep in your step? Check out to harness some peanut power. TBWA\Chiat\Day NY created the campaign.



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