Local TV News Drives Consumer Information Search

Local TV news show advertising was among the top media platforms driving consumers to look for more information on products and services.

Some 62% of local TV news viewers ages 24-54 often/sometimes research a product or services after seeing a commercial on TV; and 56% of all local TV news viewers, per a new study from researcher GfK for Hearst Television.

Somewhat better results came from search engine Web sites: The same study says 64% of 25-54 media users research an ad seen on search engine Web sites; 57% for all users.

Lessor results were gained on broadcast networks news and cable TV news. For all viewers, only 36% were moved to action for broadcast network news shows and 33% for cable TV news programs.

Newspapers, magazines and radio did somewhat better. Newspapers pushed 50% of all consumers who looked at an ad; magazines were at 45% and radio, 40%.

Among 25-54 adults -- the key TV news consumers -- the research says for local TV news the more relevant ad categories include: grocery stores (52%), retail stores (46%), restaurants (43%), home improvement services (41%), health services (40%), auto manufacturers and dealers (37%) and telecommunications providers (34%).

More than 2,600 local TV news viewers ages 25 and older in Hearst Television news markets were surveyed online between March 27 and April 9.

"Couple watch TV" photo from Shutterstock.



1 comment about "Local TV News Drives Consumer Information Search".
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  1. Edmund Singleton from Winstion Communications, June 25, 2014 at 7:46 a.m.

    After I get pass the make-up on the faces of the women, only then am I able to consider things like advertising and the news...

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