Ad Viewing Grows On Trad TV Digital Platforms With Longer Content

Digital television/video programmers and platforms continue to look to mirror the traditional TV experience.
Advertising viewing as it relates to long-form content -- 20 minutes and more -- continues to grow, now accounting for more than half (53%) of all ad views from traditional TV programmers’ digital platforms.

This is according to a second-quarter 2014 report from video ad management company, FreeWheel.

This is 35% higher than a year ago. Traditional TV programmers are seeing more advertising gains because of more 30-minute and 60-minute TV shows making their way to digital platforms, according to analysts.

For traditional TV programmers, mid-form content -- five to 20 minutes -- comprises 8% of all advertising views with 39%, short-form, content zero to five minutes in length. This has improved 17% versus the same time period a year ago.



For those newer “digital pure-play” publishers, 81% of their ad views come from short-form content -- mostly driven from short video clips/music video-type content.  

The report also says that advertising breaks in digital video content are looking more like traditional TV. In the second quarter of 2014, 3.7 ads totaling 98 seconds was the average mid-roll ad break. A year before, in  the second quarter of 2013, it was 2.7 ads, totaling 68 seconds.

FreeWheel also says that 66% all advertising views, which came from long-form content, were from ad messaging 30 seconds long. Live TV/video digital content was at a 54% number with short-form comprises 45% of its ad views from 30-second commercials.

The report expects short-form publishers to reduce their 30-second messaging moving to shorter-length video marketing durations.

Advertising categories are also looking more like TV. Consumer packaged goods and financial services marketers totaled for 50% of digital video ad views in second quarter. Financial services advertisers doubled its digital video advertising year-over-year.

FreeWheel says the data set used for this report comes from over 50 billion video views in the first half of 2014.

1 comment about "Ad Viewing Grows On Trad TV Digital Platforms With Longer Content".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, August 14, 2014 at 7:31 p.m.

    Interesting report, Wayne. Once again, the benefits of long-form content, or "real" programming, are obvious. The advertiser gets a more engaged audience and can use longer messages---like 30- second commercials---- which garner better ad recall and message registration than their conventional TV counterparts. One danger is this: will long-form video ad sellers kill the goose that lays the golden egg by increasing in-break ad clutter to the point where lots of viewers tune out mentally as so often happens on traditional TV? Low clutter has been one of the primary reasons for excellent ad impact results on long-form video. Keep adding announcements to the breaks---as seems to be the trend--- and that vital edge may be lost.

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