Ecommerce giant Snapdeal today announced that it has acquired Hyderabad-based mobile technology StartupA startup is a "temporary organization used to search for a repeatable and scalable business model," says Steve Blank, author of Four Steps to the Epiphany. When a business model is repeatable,(...) Term details" style="box-sizing: border-box">startup MartMobi for an undisclosed amount. With this acquisition, Snapdeal hopes to strengthen its position in the mobile commerce space. This move would help the company boost its mcommerce capabilities, especially for its merchant partners. MartMobi was co-founded by Pramod Nair and Satya Krishna Ganni. It’s a mobile ecommerce platform that creates mobile and tablet interfaces as well as apps for estores and small and medium-sized businesses. It also facilitates connectivity with the customers’ existing back-end systems and is equipped with a real-time analytics engine for conversions and user engagement.