Nielsen has acquired neuromarketing researching company Innerscope Research for an undisclosed sum, Advertising Age has reported.
“Founded in 2006 by neuroscientist Dr. Carl Marci and MIT alum Brian Levine, Innerscope uses biometrics such as brain scans and galvanic skin response to measure subconscious emotional responses to media and marketing,” writes Advertising Age.
Nielsen acquired global marketing research firm NeuroFocus in 2011, and Advertising Age reports that “Nielsen will now merge Innerscope with NeuroFocus.”
The combined group will examine “consumer consumption patterns and the interrelationship between content and media platforms,” Joe Willke, Nielsen consumer neuroscience president, explained to Advertising Age.
Nielsen is Focused ... on Distractions!
How About Some Real, Accurate & Reliable TV Ratings ...
in Time for the 2015-2016 TV Season?
Remember Television, Video, Mobile or Digital Audience Measurement?
I didn't think so.
Neuroscience may help the media & marketing business diagnose Nielsen's problem that has become an industry crisis.
"THE FUTURE OF NEUROSCIENCE IS NOW. LET’S EMBRACE IT." By Joe Willke, President, Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience, and Dr. Carl Marci, Chief Neuroscientist
"Embrace it," but do not touch me!