The biggest question still remains: How much of that over-the-top Colbert character on Comedy Central will find its way to CBS? I’m guessing some comedy bits will have a familiar appeal.
Colbert recently released a five-minute promo. The subject matter: Colbert shaving off parts of his shaggy face in anticipation of hosting the show. He grew a heavy beard after leaving Comedy Central in December. Speaking directly to the camera while eating a hot dog, Colbert notes the new look -- white-bearded -- got him on the cover of “Homeless Sea Captain Monthly.”
Colbert tries other looks, shaving off just an inch of his mustache under his nose, leaving everything else for an “un-Hitler” look. He then moves on, shaving all his mustache to offer up more of the Amish profile.
One last move leaves just one long sideburn look: “The half-wolverine," says Colbert. After this, there is a flashback scene - Colbert skipping through the park combing his beard and taking it to the movies, complete with the beard’s own eyeglasses.
You can expect many set comedy pieces like this -- on future promos and in the show itself.
What about the political stuff Colbert is known for? All late-night talk-show hosts slide to the political content for the funny at least every now and then. Colbert will be no different, which could be a plus, given viewers’ familiarity with his former well-known political commentary persona.
Apart from this, a key piece will how he handles guests. The young David Letterman could always find ways of needling guests in fun ways -- though not always appreciated by celebrities. The question is whether Colbert -- the real person or the slightly different on-air persona -- will do the same.
Or he could always go to a barbershop for some more grooming.