
What Digital TV Companies Need To Do TV Ads? Maybe Twitter?

Rare are those big consumer-facing companies that don’t need TV advertising -- companies that seemingly get all the “awareness” they need.

But awareness isn’t everything.  Take Twitter, which sometimes confuses and intimidate potential user with its unfiltered, sometimes chaotic  content.

With CEO Dick Costolo stepping down in July, and Jack Dorsey, one of the original founders of the company, coming in as interim CEO, it could be time for big changes.

“Twitter was a loved company and it has become a most hated company,” CNBC’s Jim Cramer said on Thursday. “And you’ve got to change the narrative when you become a hated company.”

Would some TV advertising help?

Existing promotions don’t seem to be working. Virtually every news show/program has a Twitter handle on-screen. Twitter is firmly established as part of the digital landscape.



But that is not enough. Twitter’s growth has slowed. The number of monthly average users will probably be down for the most recent period. People says Twitter need to be relevant to a broader array of users, beyond its core aficionados.

Some suggest Twitter needs to promote key categories/areas or usable features. About a billion people see and/or know about Twitter -- but don’t use it. Seems like a perfect place to start making major changes -- since many of those folks watch TV.

To be sure, Google and Facebook didn’t need big TV advertising to get where they are. But Twitter isn’t in their league; it has had many more problems.

We can imagine a convincingly savvy media agency executive is now talking up an effort to spin things around. TV’s broader reach -- and yes, older appeal -- could be the answer.

1 comment about "What Digital TV Companies Need To Do TV Ads? Maybe Twitter?".
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  1. Leonard Zachary from T___n__, June 12, 2015 at 1:03 p.m.

    TV advertising exposure will not fix nor help Twitter's problem. It will excerbate it.

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