Looking a whole lot like Amazon Dash, Leo Burnett Moscow has introduced
The Can, a magical device designed to come to the aid of struggling creatives eager to create
award-winning work. Because, after all, awards are the only thing that matter in advertising, right?
The Can scans your scripts and illustrations and evaluates them against a big
data-based, neuro-network algorithm that gauges the creative based upon data from myriad industry databases spitting out a score which will indicate whether or not you should even bother fleshing out
the idea and submitting it for an award.
Of 'The Can,' Leo Burnett Moscow Head of Interactive Serezha Shabrov said, “So what happens when you present The Can your idea? It uses its
vast knowledge of advertising and proprietary algorithms to score your concept and give scores based on a few attributes: originality, brand relevance, engagement and awards potential. Touch the
screen to select a festival and The Can will try to anticipate the potential result.”
And of The Can's ability to eliminate time wasted on work that isn't award-worthy, Leo Burnett
North America Head of Social and Mobile Rupert Runewitsch added, "The Can, is exactly the kind of technology that the industry has been waiting for. We are now able to streamline the creative process
and be super efficient with our output, with just a few clicks of a button. We are all very excited about what The Can will bring home.”
Hey, in a few years, maybe this device will
do away with the need for agencies to spend exorbitant Cannes Lions entry fees, travel and hotel fees, Carlton Terrace rose costs and gutter bar budgets. After all, if 'The Can' can predict which
award you will win, why bother going to Cannes at all?
Wait, what? You'd rather spend a week on the French Riviera basking in the sun and mingling with pompous, self-absorbed ego maniacs
from all over the world? OK, yeah, that does sound kind of fun
I worked at Leo Burnett for a number of years and at one time Leo would not allow the agency to submit creative for awards. Here, one of the industry's greatest copywriters realized that that business was not about winning awards, but moving product of the shel! Leo created an internal award, the Black Pencil, which recognized advertising that did its job - there was a financial reward attached.
Before joining Burnett, I worked at Ogilvy & Mather and David Ogilvy had the very same philosophy with the David Ogilvy Award, recognizing creative that worked - so submissions allowed for outside awards. If a client chose to enter, fine.
Today, unfortunately, there are so many ad out there that look great and have a "wow" factor, but have they sold the product?