Most mobile applications are not compelling enough for consumers to download and use them on their phones, but the act of searching for something inside the app reveals so
much about the person's intent in that moment. That mobile moment is fast becoming the real-time metric for serving content and targeting advertisements, according to a study released Monday, but how
can brands do more to develop a mobile strategy when the biggest challenge points to only the best customers use a brand's mobile application?
Consumers using mobile applications reveal a phenomenal amount of information about themselves, along with their needs and motivations through the use of search and features such as calendars, email, browsers, and cloud services, according to a Forrester Research study titled "Your Customers Will Not Download Your App." Mobile applications magnify the view, but browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer and operating systems such as Windows and iOS see cross-channel behavior even more clearly.
Since apps are for a brand's best customers, how should marketers use the app to make new customers their best customers? "Get to know them for a while first-- if they download the app--build trust, and delivery relevant, contextual services without being creepy," Ask told Search Marketing Daily. "Don't pitch them products--at least don't lead with that. Start with being helpful and offer utility or education, even entertainment."
Social networks claim 14% of all mobile business, about 25 minutes per day. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that a handful of companies, such as Facebook, dominate U.S. mobile minutes spent in applications owned by major technology companies.
Facebook at 13% takes the majority, followed by Google at 12%, Enterprise at 8, and Native at 4%. Amazon and Apple each own 3% of the time. Yahoo owns 2%. Microsoft and eBay each own 1%. The numbers are based on 1,721 U.S. online smartphone owners age 18 and older.