Placed, a location-based ad-targeting firm and in-store attribution company, on Wednesday announced the launch of a “cross-device marketplace” that enables ad-buyers to measure desktop advertising’s impact on in-store sales and visits.
Placed has partnered with cross-device measurement companies Drawbridge, Tapad, Crosswise and BlueCava to launch the marketplace. Those four companies will provide the cross-device data. Placed also has media partners in place including Collective, Conversant, Dstillery, GumGum, Viant and 4INFO.
In short, Placed clients can use the marketplace to find a media and data partner for cross-device campaigns, and can then use Placed’s own in-store attribution data to “close the loop." Specifically, the new marketplace is focused on measuring desktop advertising’s impact on in-store activity, as Placed already offers tech that links mobile ads to in-store sales.
The marketplace allows Placed to expand its offering (to include desktop), and it allows the data and media partners to expand theirs (by offering in-store attribution).