McGann | Zhang was named U.S. agency of record for Air China. The agency is Air China's first official AOR in the U.S. and the account was awarded without a review. First work is a broadcast campaign
consisting of two inter-related spots targeting English speaking Chinese, Filipino and North American audiences. "It isn't often that you get an opportunity to work with such a well respected company
who is also open to new approaches for their branding," said Geoff McGann, co-founder, McGann | Zhang. "Our creative focuses heavily on voice and it's especially exciting to be able to develop a voice
driven platform that can speak across different languages and cultures." Added Ping Zhang, marketing executive of Air China North America: "As a global company, we have to deliver our message to
customers with diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. With their talent, experience and most importantly, their multi-cultural DNA, McGann | Zhang can share our vision and let our voice be
heard." Air China spent $1.3 million on measured media in 2014, according to Kantar Media.