RTD reported on Pixalate's discovery of the dangerous botnet Xindi which could cost advertisers nearly $3 billion by the end of 2016, according to a Pixalate report. Ad Age reports that mitigating
Xindi's impact over the long term will require the Interactive Advertising Bureau to update that protocol to consider the pace of ad requests, according to Pixalate. "This will ensure that impressions
generated after a certain time period cannot be accepted as valid and hence will be non-billable," the Pixalate said in the Ad Age piece. However, the IAB disagreed. "The problem is not with the
OpenRTB protocol," said Scott Cunningham, general manager of the IAB Tech Lab told Ad Age is: "Challenges can arise with implementation of systems that use protocols such as OpenRTB, and others, at
the individual company level. We see vulnerabilities appear due to how some business build their operations. To encourage proper use, IAB Working Groups update implementation best practices on an
ongoing basis."
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