Want to travel to Miami every once in a while on your potential client's dime? Then you best get in on the action down in Miami. The Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau is looking for a new ad agency. Or two.
The Bureau seeks an agency to handle creative, media planning, omnichannel marketing, mobile and social. It also seeks a shop to handle Web development and digital including apps and the management of its MiamiandBeaches.com site.
Currently, Critical Mass handles digital and Turkel Brands handles advertising. Turkel will take part in the review and Turkel CEO Bruce Turkel said: "We ushered in the whole incredible success of Miami tourism and every day we go in there is our first day."
That's the spirit!
Of the upcoming review, Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau President William Talbert said: "We are so proud of our team and agency partners who have contributed to our record-breaking travel and tourism numbers over the last several years. We look forward to continuing to raise our own bar as we develop marketing programs that have a favorable impact on the destination."
In other words, we love you -- but it's time to move on.