Ever notice once an industry trend or behavior or habit or buzzword becomes habitual, someone always has to go in the opposite direction and try to start something new? Yeah, that. Well, this time its big data and it’s none other than Jack Morton Worldwide espousing the change.
In reaction to the overblown focus on big data (come on...you know you've uttered the phrase hundreds of times in meetings but really have no idea what it actually means), Jack Morton Worldwide along with author Martin Lindstrom who just published a book called, yup, “Small Data,” have partnered to "challenge the dominance of big data thinking and work to help brands uncover the potential to drive brand success through small data."
Jack Morton Worldwide will incorporate the notions put forth in Small Data into its strategic planning process. The book takes a look at how insights gleaned from tiny clues can uncover larger trends and drive significant change for brands. The book, which charts Martin’s work with major brands, references Jack Morton’s own small-data-influenced work with Chevrolet.
Of the approach, Lindstrom said, “If we want to truly understand what makes people love brands, we need to force ourselves to be present again and see what’s really going on around us...big data isn’t enough. So I’m starting a Small Data revolution and I’m delighted that Jack Morton is with me on that journey in helping brands reconnect with people and be the most successful they can be.”
Jack Morton Worldwide EVP of Consumer Marketing Craig Milton added, "As a brand experience agency, Jack Morton has always been focused on building a close understanding of what makes people tick, in order to ensure our work genuinely resonates with people. When it comes to experiences, achieving that resonance is often grounded in emotion and that can’t be pinpointed through big data alone."
And so it goes. What's new is old. What's old is new. Or something like that. Personally, I think those in the industry just get bored and thus have the unavoidable urge to invent something -- anything -- that's different than the status quo just so they can set themselves apart and, you know, launch a new strategic offering that, at least for a month, no one else can provide.
So good luck, Jack Morton Worldwide. Enjoy your point of differentiation for a few months before everyone else keeps espousing "small data" without, of course, truly understanding what it means.
Sure ad agencies are always trying to differentiate themselves using a variety of bait and hook tactics and this may well be the case here. However, to be fair to Jack Morton Worldwide, what they are really saying has some merit. Most of the blather about "big data" is also a bait and hook ploy. In case after case, "big data" tells you little more than what you should already know from existing "small data" sources and, let's face it, from common sense and plain old business experience.