Ahead of a busy holiday floral season, flower delivery service Teleflora increased online orders eightfold by building a personalized email marketing campaign with Bluecore’s data-driven
Spending over the Easter holiday is expected to increase by $1 billion year-over-year to $17.3 billion, according to an annual survey by the National Retail Federation (NRF). The average shopper is expected to spend $146 -- the highest amount spent on the holiday in 13 years of NRF studies.
Easter and Passover generate a tenth of the floral industries annual revenue, and represent 13% of annual transactions according to the NRF. This year consumers are predicted to spend $1.2 billion on flowers, a rise from $1.1 billion in 2015.
This weekend marks one of the most important annual holidays for the floral industry, and it comes as no surprise that a flower delivery service began looking to optimize their email marketing campaign during this season in 2015.
In April 2015, Teleflora implemented a segmented email marketing campaign powered by Bluecore’s marketing data and automation services. Leveraging customer behavior, such as purchase history and browsing data, Bluecore helped Teleflora personalize email messages with individualized product catalogues predicted to have the highest likelihood of a sale.
The six-triggered campaign targeted customers who had abandoned a shopping cart, browsing session or search, as well as sending messages to new customers, customers who had already made a purchase and customers who had not engaged with the company in quite some time.
The results of the email marketing campaign boosted Teleflora revenue significantly, generating 8x more orders. Email open rates and conversion rates also more than doubled due to the data-driven campaign.