The announcement--which is expected to be made during the American Association of Advertising Agencies Media Conference and Trade Show in New Orleans this week--will include MSN's sponsorship of the Ogilvy Awards, an annual awards program named after ad legend David Ogilvy that acknowledges major research breakthroughs developed by marketers, agencies, and the media each year.
The sponsorship, a first of its kind, will be used to fund an expansion of the awards program and efforts to market it beyond the traditional ad research insiders that regard it so highly. Among other things, the ARF and MSN plan to promote the learning that comes out of breakthrough ad research reflected in the awards to key stakeholders outside the ad industry--including C-level corporate executives, lawmakers, and regulators--to help influence their understanding of the advertising business.
For MSN, the deal will help associate its online media brand with some of the most strategic areas of advertising planning and research.
For the ARF, the deal provides a new source of funding to expand its role outside traditional advertising circles. Similar underwriting deals are expected to be unveiled by the ARF soon.