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Brioni is rebranding with the help of a heavy metal band. Bringing in Metallica is part of the overall effort to reposition Brioni as a masculine brand. The campaign is from new Brioni creative
director Justin O’Shea.
1 comment about "Metallica Becomes Face Of Brioni Luxury Menswear".
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Stuart Dornfield from Stuart Dornfield, LLC,
June 30, 2016 at 11:17 a.m.
I hope Brioni has some hard research that points them in this, albeit, unexpected direction. For a brand that sells $6,000 finely tailored Italian suits and $800 shirts, arguably the best in the world, it's hard to believe that the Metallica fan is their market. I'd sooner think Il Divo or Michael Buble, a Canadian who become a naturalized Italian citizen-- all because of wearing Brioni suits. Now there's a campaign! www.stuartdornfield.com
I hope Brioni has some hard research that points them in this, albeit, unexpected direction. For a brand that sells $6,000 finely tailored Italian suits and $800 shirts, arguably the best in the world, it's hard to believe that the Metallica fan is their market. I'd sooner think Il Divo or Michael Buble, a Canadian who become a naturalized Italian citizen-- all because of wearing Brioni suits. Now there's a campaign! www.stuartdornfield.com