Vadio works with content partners to gain access to premium video content and then hosts that content and offers an embedded video
player to its distribution partners.
“Video is getting integrated into every major digital destination,” says Bryce Clemmer, Vadio’s CEO. “But it’s a question of what type and quality of video.”
Video streaming increased 101.9% year-over-year in 2015, according to a year-end report from Nielsen.
As a rapidly growing sector of the market, many publishers and digital destinations can sometimes feel that there isn’t enough high-quality video inventory to meet their demands.
“Many of the major digital media destinations are looking for premium video content. Content creators are looking for larger audiences. A lot of ad budgets are shifting to online video,” says Clemmer. “We more effectively provide a video platform that keeps people around longer, engages them, and monetizes against the video content itself.”
With the nod from one major media company, Clemmer says that doors will most likely open with other content creators and gatekeepers. Vadio is platform, device and country-agnostic, in order to accommodate media wherever it can be consumed.