In one of the latest efforts from big yogurt brands to keep category sales growing via innovations, General Mills’ Yoplait is launching Go
Big, a large-pouch format designed for on-the-go teens.
The campaign, from Minneapolis-based agency Fast Horse, spotlights the “creativity, passion, dedication and drive” of teens across the country.
But since moms -- still the primary grocery shoppers in most households -- are the ones that a brand most needs to persuade to buy new products geared to teens or kids, the teens’ stories are told through the eyes of their proud mothers.
In the campaign’s first 15-second animated digital spot (below), “Yoplait Go Big—Brianna’s Story,” the mother of Brianna Cabrera, a 16-year-old from Chino, California, talks about how proud and amazed she is by her daughter’s impressive roster of activities and achievements.
In addition to being a 4.0 student and champion pole vaulter at her high school, the teen trains guide dogs and volunteers with special-needs students. “Not only is she my kid; she’s my hero,” says mom Kimberly. Tagline: “Yogurt pouches to fuel your amazing teen.”
Betsy Frost, director of marketing for yogurt at General Mills, says the marketing team was awed by the teens they interacted with for research, “so it only made sense to take real teen stories and give them a platform to shine” for the launch campaign.
Through Nov. 4, moms are being encouraged to enter a “Go Big Amazing Teens Contest” to compete for a chance to have their teens’ stories featured on the brand’s social media, along with a $3,000 prize. Up to three teens will be featured in future advertising executions.
The contest promotions drive moms to Go Big’s Facebook page, which they are asked (optionally) to “like” before clicking into the contest entry area.
In addition to display and search advertising, the contest and campaign are being promoted via content partnerships with influencers including Scary Mommy, Café Mom and Linqia. Many mommy blogger posts are already on view at #YoplaitGoBig.
Go Big’s “grip-and-rip” pouches holds four ounces of yogurt, and are twice the size of Go-Gurt tubes. The yogurt includes pieces of fruit, is gluten-free, and contains no high-fructose corn syrup or colors from artificial sources.