Tom Laband, CEO and Co-Founder of adsquare, a real-time mobile data marketplace, thinks second-party data is a missing link for understanding audiences, and that creative agencies will need to bulk up on their programmatic and data knowledge in 2017.
Second-party data is the missing piece for audience understanding:Ask any advertiser, and they’ll tell you that connecting the dots between their customer's fragmented day-to-day life is one of the biggest challenges. Holistic audience understanding requires sophisticated data around people, context and behavior.
Third-party data secures reach and offers an eagle-eye perspective of the customer. But to ‘zoom in’ and gain a deeper understanding of consumers, marketers turn to other companies’ first-party data, which then becomes second-party data. Marketers will need to ensure that strict rules are followed when handling second-party data—it requires a secure ecosystem that protects data owners and prevents data leakage and misuse.
Creative agencies continue accruing programmatic and data knowledge:
Creative agencies face a big challenge, as consumers don’t only expect, but also demand, personalized campaigns. Bridging the gap between data and creative will be a hot topic on creative agencies’ agendas. Creative directors will increasingly make more data-driven decisions, and will invest more in adding speed, scale, and automation to the creative process through programmatic advertising. The mix of personalized creative, programmatic, and data will supercharge campaign impact and deliver unique ads to specific audiences.
Real-time marketing drives mobile programmatic growth:
‘Moment’ marketing -- or, reaching the right consumer with a relevant message at the time when they’re making a decision -- requires a real-time infrastructure, data around people and context, and dynamic ad formats especially designed for mobile. Advertisers will increasingly use sophisticated platforms with a focus on mobile and data, enabling them to reach their audience in line with their recent context, immediacy, and intent.
Tobi, this is probably true for certain kinds of advertisers to an unknown extent---but many national "branding" advertisers don't need to drill down so precisely---even if it is possible and, often it isn't----to have successful ad campaigns. Consequently, I don't see "mobile" revolutionizing the entire ad world, though it has potential that certainly should be explored. If I were running a major branding marketing company, I would begin to test mobile---or any other emerging platform that is new to my experience---in a diciplined manner to see how it fifs in with my promotional needs and whether there is something I might learn from it. If it works in a meaningful way, fine. If not, that, too, is worth knowing.
Hi Ed - Thanks for your invaluable feedback. Did you know that according to Comscore 50% of all internet media usage happens in mobile apps? If you want to reach your audience in 2017, mobile should be at the very heart of your strategy. The good news is, that mobile data is a great win for our industry. Location and device signals, offline data attached to it, app usage and especially first party data from app publishers that are drawn from their direct relationships with users are available and can be leveraged for moment marketing and holistic audience understanding. I would like to invite you to our Audiences In Motion event on the 16th of February in New York to discuss these opportunities. Just ping me!