
Keep Up With the Joneses

To re-evaluate and rebalance the digital approach for your company, says the Borenstein Group, take advantage of this “Top Ten” list of Branding & Marketing Trends for 2017

1. Cognitive insights derived from advanced analytics will help marketers better understand and predict digital behavior.

2. GPS-Based SEO overtakes keywords as mobile dominates search.

3. Content Marketing will face an existential challenge as CMOs will demand hard conversion metrics that can be effectively communicated in the board room.

4. Marketers will struggle to develop and differentiate between authentic and relevant content and what robotically-generated marketing automation systems offer.

5. Like the ways of the dinosaurs, desktops will continue to fade in favor of mobile ads, and websites will transform from a novelty in B2C to a main staple for all digital advertising.

6. Forget the days of authenticity-first. Most social media platforms will now focus on generating sponsorships and advertising which will make it impossible to discern the difference between an ad and a viral message.

7. Website branding will pose a major design challenge to industry in the fight between user experience and being mobile and desktop friendly.

8. Marketing automation systems without proper social engineering of users will perpetuate the feeling of bad customer service served by robots that only answer to the call of a transactional sales call. The human condition will devolve.

9. As seen on Twitter first, Establishment News Networks will continue to lose ground in the battle with organic citizen journalism and fake news.

10. As global cyber security attacks continue to rise, digital marketers will struggle with keeping consumer data safe and private as e-commerce and marketing automation opens new doors for crafty cyber-thugs.


For more about the Borenstein Group, please visit here.


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