
Mobile Views, Cord-Cutting Plans Signal Big Shifts

The anytime/anywhere video consumption behavior of Millennials is driving the changing landscape of media. Over-the-top viewing has become mainstream, along with mobile device watching, according to a new report from Ooyaladetailing the digital video market in 2017.

To be sure, as an online video technology firm, Ooyala has skin in the game; it benefits from new media habits. Nonetheless, the report’s findings are worth a closer look.

A few key data points underscore the clear shift. Ooyala found that 41% of U.S. adults said they plan to cut back or cut the pay-TV cord in the next year. Also, in the third quarter, more than 52% of all video views were generated on mobile devices. Those twin findings provide directional insight into behavior patterns.

Ooyala noted that on average, consumers around the globe watch four more hours of mobile video per week than they did four years ago. As small screen usage shoots up, TV viewing time has dipped by 2.5 hours each week, Ooyala said.

The fact that more consumers are comfortable watching long-form content on a mobile screen suggests that the viewing shift will easily continue over the next year. “Consumers, particularly younger ones, are continuing to flee live and scheduled linear TV and are becoming more used to time-shifted TV, a hallmark of the OTT video-on-demand experience,” Ooyala said in the report.

In fact, standalone apps and services are faring better than TV Everywhere, and they’re easier to use. They don’t require authentication by the viewer, and that can make for a more seamless user experience.

By 2020, Ooyala predicts the U.S. will count nearly 98 million homes with connected TVs. That’s another sign of the changing nature of the viewing landscape, since those homes stream most of their viewing content.

3 comments about "Mobile Views, Cord-Cutting Plans Signal Big Shifts".
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  1. dorothy higgins from Mediabrands WW, January 13, 2017 at noon

    Ooyala studies have great nuggets of info indicating where trends are heading. CAUTION is advised however in using data points for comparison to other studies and using mobile video  data presented here as a level-playing field comparison to linear TV.  Chief point being that the vaunted digital video currenty of "# of views" on mobile devices doesn't reflect time spent or audience per view.  It is kind of like comparing snacking on Cheetos to a dinner of truffled Mac & Cheese. That said, the study does demonstrate that video convergence is here to stay and the consumer is firmy in control.

  2. Paula Lynn from Who Else Unlimited, January 13, 2017 at 6:48 p.m.

    Have a 2 year contract with Comcast made 3 months ago with a Comcast official stationed in the US - not an operator. Just got my bill today - raised the price. Back on the phone on Monday and at the end of 2 years, cord cutting may be more viable than today. And as people lose their health care, for example, what do you think will be one of the first things they cut back ?

  3. John Grono from GAP Research, January 13, 2017 at 8:10 p.m.

    Regarding the statement that "more than 52% of all video views were generated on mobile devices".

    Of course that presumes that the way that 'views' are calculated on mobile devices is the same as they are calculated on desktops/laptops (which of course is also much different to how TV is measured).   I think I'll do some digging.

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