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Ford has launched a digital outdoor campaign for its new Fiesta model which, The Drum claims, can display a mobile ad on smartphones belonging to people whom its geofencing technology detects have
consumed content that is relevant to the car.
1 comment about "Ford Billboard Serves Mobile Ads To Interested Passersby".
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R MARK REASBECK from www.USAonly.US ,
July 27, 2017 at 7:11 p.m.
I know no one who was ever prompted to buy a car because of an ad. People buy cars when they need one. Screaming TV commercials , the same way. In fact, there is nothing out there in the cookie cutter car world that would generate any interest for desire. The auto industry is toast. All the buyers want is cheap payments, an eternal warranty and can they connect their phone. We went from Muscle Cars to Whimp-mobiles in 30 years flat.
I know no one who was ever prompted to buy a car because of an ad. People buy cars when they need one. Screaming TV commercials , the same way. In fact, there is nothing out there in the cookie cutter car world that would generate any interest for desire. The auto industry is toast. All the buyers want is cheap payments, an eternal warranty and can they connect their phone. We went from Muscle Cars to Whimp-mobiles in 30 years flat.