NowThis is partnering with Thrive Global, the health and wellness startup created by Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington, to create a video series for millennial women on how to “achieve digital well-being” and work-life balance.
Thrive Global will reach the publisher’s millennial audience on social media and utilize its social-first video creation. NowThis rakes in over 2.5 billion views a month across multiple platforms.
The partnership includes 24 cobranded videos that will be released daily across the NowThis “Her” vertical and Thrive Global's social channels. The first video will be released on social platforms today.
The series, called “Live Better,” will offer tips, facts and advice on how to have a better life, such as how to keep your phone from interrupting your sleep.
This is the first time NowThis is testing wellness content on the "Her" vertical.
Huffington left The Huffington Post last summer to launch Thrive Global. It aims to help companies improve the lives of their employees through collaborative efforts and workplace initiatives, minimizing stress and burnout.
“A large portion of Thrive Global’s audience on social media is millennial women looking for solutions and alternatives to a 24/7 always-on culture that incentivizes burnout,” stated Huffington.
In October, NowThis merged with Thrillist Media Group, The Dodo, Discovery’s digital network Seeker and its production studio SourceFed Studios to form a new media company, Group Nine Media.
NowThis has eight verticals. This fall, it will launch two new channels: food and sports.
In May, NowThis said it was developing 20 different original video series.