Rotten Tomatoes, the film and TV reviews website, is expanding into video content of its own. The site, which is owned by movie ticket application Fandango, will be getting its own show on Facebook’s Watch platform.
“Rotten Tomatoes See it/Skip It” will air weekly, featuring discussion about current and upcoming movies and TV content from critics' as well as fans' points of view, also incorporating opinions from Facebook users. The show will be hosted by Jacqueline Coley, film critic for Black Girl Nerds, and pop culture commentator Segun Oduolowu. New episodes will be available at 12:01 a.m. each Thursday, with the first episode launching Nov. 1.
Each week, Oduolowu and Coley will also reveal the
“Tomatometer Score” -- the number from 0 to 100 that represents the percentage of positive professional reviews -- for new films and TV shows.