The shirt features the message: “Rope, Tree, Journalist,” followed by the kicker: “Some Assembly Required.”
Responding to a complaint from the New York Press Club, eBay removed the T-shirt from its listings within half an hour, according to a statement by press club President Steve Scott.
"We thank eBay for doing the right thing,” he stated. “This vile T-shirt advocates violence against journalists," Scott said. "Journalists are increasingly the victims of physical attacks while on the job. We don't need a piece of clothing encouraging more of that."
"Imagine the outcry," Scott continued, "if you inserted any other profession in place of the word 'journalist.' 'Nurse.' 'Teacher.' 'Cop.' This is outrageous. It concerns us that this T-shirt may still be available elsewhere online, but removing it from eBay is a major step in the right direction."