Happy holidays. Barring a major breaking news story over the next week, here are the "most read" stories published by MediaPost in 2017. No. 1 was Jess Nelson's June 14th coverage of the fate of Yahoo Mail. No. 10 was Adam Buckman's TV Blog "Mike Myers Is A Cheeky Monkey As Host Of New 'Gong Show'."
No. 2: "Trump Is Wrong About MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' Ratings,"
by Wayne Friedman.
No 3: "In Political Media First, Trump Releases Comey Attack Ad," by Joe Mandese
No. 4: "NFL TV Ratings Narrow Declines," by Wayne Friedman
No. 5: "Pennies Or Ten Billion Pounds? Is Google-Bashing Taking Adland's Eye Off The Big Prize?," by Sean Hargrave
No. 6: "Stella Artois Cidre's Musical Spot Features Whimsical Trio," by Karlene Lukovitz
No. 7: "Whatever Happened To Michelle Phan? This," By P.J. Bednarski
No. 8: "Ancestry.com TV Ad Features Declaration Of Independence Signers' Descendants," by Karlene Lukovitz
No. 9: "Some Android Apps Have 'Wormholes' That Can Lead To Attacks: Study," by Ray Schultz
No. 10: "Mike Myers Is A Cheeky Monkey As Host Of New 'Gong Show'," by Adam Buckman