Dolan Family's Ad Metric Company Launches TV Attribution Index

The Dolan Family Ventures’ ad analytics company, 605, is launching an index to measure the impact of TV advertising. It will have a broader view than similar efforts.

The metrics company says the new approach -- the 605 Impact Index -- will look at how TV advertising on both branding and sales impacts the top and bottom “funnel.” Its initial report will examine brand favorability for TV advertisers, including Nissan, AT&T and Samsung.

The company say the difference between its attribution models and others is that it doesn’t rely solely on sample data. The index will leverage the large matchable TV datasets combined with custom, first-party research.

Ben Tatta, cofounder-president of 605, stated: “Although recent developments in the field of TV attribution are a move in the right direction, most of these solutions focus on sales attribution only. They fail to capture the enormous impact TV delivers in terms of brand awareness, perception and favorability.”



Some of 605's initial findings were disclosed.

For insurance company Geico, results suggest it achieves high brand favorability ratings among specialized, hard-to-reach audiences, such as those on PBS.

For Nissan, those favorable to the car brand tend to watch a lot of Spanish-language television. The company has invested in a targeted audience market in the medium. The automaker also has a multi-year strategic partnership with Univision.

For Samsung, those favorable to the consumer electronics brand watch more youth-oriented programming on various networks, including Comedy Central, Freeform and MTV. Audiences favorable to AT&T over-index on Viacom’s TVLand network — the only Viacom-owned network without any AT&T advertising.

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