The U.S. Embassy in Australia erred by sending out an email featuring a picture of a cat dressed as a Cookie Monster. The email, featuring the subject line “Meeting,” invited recipients to a “cat pajama-jam party,” and included an RSVP.
The trouble was, no such party was planned, according to a report on the Good News Network.
“Sorry to disappoint those of you who were hoping to attend this ‘cat pajama-jam’ party, but such an event falls well outside our area of expertise,” wrote Gavin Sundwall, the embassy’s public affairs counselor, in a follow-up email. “It was a training error made by one of our new staff testing out our email newsletter platform.”
But it was too late: The email, featuring a feline named Joey, had already gone viral in social media.
The embassy says it is taking precautions to make sure there are no further episodes like this.