Millennials Are High On Videos, Study Finds

Millennials are more susceptible to video than other forms of content, according to a study released on Tuesday by Brightcove, working with YouGov. 

Of the millennials surveyed, 56% say video is more engaging than other forms of content, versus 45% of consumers overall. And 46% of millennials prefer video over alternative formats, compared with 36% of all respondents.

In addition, 66% of millennials have engaged with a brand after viewing a video on social media. In contrast, 53% of all consumers have done so. And 62% of millennials say it’s important for products and services to be shared through video.

The study also found that 29% of millennials find videos more memorable than other forms of content, versus 21 of all consumers.

In this regard, video also surpasses email marketing, which only 9% find memorable. In contrast, 13% feel the same way about display ads, and 4% feel that way about case studies.



But 57% millennials say it’s helpful to have a specific call to action, versus 45% overall.

Among consumers, the most common follow-up to videos is visiting the brand’s web site (20%) and conducting research (20%).

Although the report does not focus on it, videos can also distributed or linked to via email.

Brightcove and YouGov surveyed 4,446 consumers.


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