Buyers and salespeople are influencers. So why aren’t they treated as such?
Influencers inspire the actions of others — but it doesn’t matter if a celebrity or industry-proclaimed influencer raves about your product if it can’t be found in stores.
A typical sales kit is a packet full of company and product information. It’s numbers, sales sheets, promotional factoids, and details to help sell a product to a prospective buyer.
There’s no glam factor, no “oohs and ahhs” associated with a sales kit. It’s easily forgotten.
On the flip side, influencer kits. There’s pomp, circumstance and elaborate packaging. It’s memorable, likely to be written about across multiple social media platforms and more than just a product in a box. It’s likely to draw online chatter and boost sales. According to the analyst firm Altimeter, 25% of a brand’s digital marketing budget should be allotted for this type of marketing.
Which leads to the questions: Are influencer kits the new sales kits?
Think about it: There’s someone working on a brand’s social media team crafting campaigns for influencers, and someone in the sales department working on a sales kit for buyers. Rather than work separately, why don’t these departments work together to create similar kits for both buyers and influencers?
These departments should align to create a memorable, creative and educational kit that can wow both influencers and buyers alike. Promotional packets that are included with each kit can be modified for a buyer or an influencer. Think same packaging but distinct messaging inside, to differentiate whether the kit is going to an influencer or buyer.
For example, a package for the launch of a new flavor of a beverage brand had one can of the new flavor and a call to action to post about the kit on social media.
For buyers, this packaging could include more in-depth product information above or underneath the can.
Even something as quirky and niche as this influencer kit from Whole Foods could be sent to buyers. Fresh food and ceramic parts that create an unique animal when assembled? You can guarantee chatter online and at the office where a salesperson won’t stop discussing it. Is it a food animal or a hipster way to store fruits and vegetables?
These elaborate versions of word of mouth marketing stand out to buyers and influencers alike. They engage, tell a story. Traditional sales kits are one-dimensional, while influencer kits are multidimensional.
Your brand is worth talking about. The kits serve to explain why your brand needs to be on store shelves.
It’s more than a product in a box. It’s about creating a connection.
Court buyers the same way you do influencers.
And depending on your company’s marketing budget, work with a series of micro-influencers. These are dedicated influencers in a certain industry who have a loyal, online following. The difference is number of followers — think thousands instead of millions — and cost per post. A micro-influencer can afford a brand exposure to a target audience without the heavy costs that come with a macro influencer, like Kylie Jenner, for instance.
Salespeople need love, too. Budget accordingly and wow both groups equally.