Email Best At Driving Repeat Purchases: Study

Email is the most effective channel in inspiring repeat purchases, according to a study by Active Campaign. 

The research shows that 28% of consumers say email is the channel that most frequently inspires them to buy from a brand again. 

Social media is second, rated by 18%, and social media ads third with 14%.

However, email does not rank as high in driving research into products: Social media ads beat it, with 23% of consumers citing it. Article mentions were effective with 21% of those polled, and TV ads came in third with 15%. TV is especially effective with older shoppers.  

In contrast, email was listed by 14% of all consumers. 

When it comes to reengaging shoppers an winning the purchase, the leader is being mentioned in an article at 28%, followed by social media at 16% and email from brands at 15%. 

The study notes that email is effective at driving repeat purchasers because it allows brands to communicate directly with potential buyers. Adobe research shows that 40% of revenue comes from repeat purchasers.

The company surveyed 546 U.S. consumers who shop online.



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