I’m really sick of this virus. It’s all-consuming isn’t it? A lot of worry, and very little relief.
Every day, I hear a story about someone somehow connected to my world coming down with it. Comes with living in New York.
And I’m grateful that so far, they are all in recovery mode. Many others, as you know, have not been so fortunate. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be in the healthcare profession right now. Bless you, one and all.
But I’m going to spend the rest of this column talking about something comforting.
Comfort food to be exact. And nothing says comfort food quite like Miso-Gochujang Pulled Pork. Except maybe a properly done (in the smoker for about 24 hours) barbecue beef brisket. Or an avocado BLT with extra thick-sliced bacon cooked slowly to a nice crisp. With smoky chipotle mayo for a little kick.
But I digress. I got an email today from Christopher Kimball, he of Cook’s Illustrated and Milk Street fame. He is really good at email marketing. I get a lot of his missives and most are interesting — and none that I can recall have annoyed me. I can’t say that about a lot of marketing emails I get.
Probably because they’re all about food and preparing food. Really tasty food.
Today’s email was about the above-referenced Miso-Gochujang Pulled Pork. And how to make it. The featured ingredient: a five-pound boneless pork butt. Mouthwatering, right?
It’s actually a great recipe for staying at home, which most of us are supposed to be doing these days. It takes four hours from start to finish, including an hour of active time, which means you’ll be moving around (getting a modicum of exercise) prepping the dish.
I feel better then I did at the start of this column. For one, I’m almost done with it. Also, I touched on media marketing — which in some way, shape or form, the column is supposed to do. Best of all, I shared some thoughts about comfort food.
A nice diversion.
Stay safe wherever you are.
Here’s a link to the recipe.
The insufferable fatigues of idleness.