'NowThis' Launches Remotely Produced Series "In This Together," 'Southern Living' Debuts TV Show

NowThis and Southern Living each have new viewing options available to consumers across digital and traditional broadcast channels.

NowThis introduced a new show called “In This Together,” which is produced 100% remotely.

Tina Exarhos, NowThis’ Chief Content Officer, stated: “‘In This Together’ expands on NowThis’ daily news coverage and explainers to focus on stories that also give us hope — highlighting the businesses and people who are helping each other and offering solutions to the challenges we are facing right now.”

The show is inspired by uplifting stories related to the COVID-19 pandemic, highlight stories about people helping each other globally.

In one instance, the show focuses on a great-grandmother in Texas sewing face masks; in another, a cannabis company makes hand sanitizers its subject.



Southern Living’s “The Southern Living Show,” hosted by Ivy Odom, debuts across Meredith Corp.’s local TV stations this weekend. Odom is also the host of Southern Living’s “Hey Y’All” series on IGTV.

“The Southern Living Show,” which was announced last fall, focused on topics like food and cooking, holidays and style through a Southern lifestyle lens.

“During fall 2019, ‘The Southern Living Show’ holiday specials reached nearly 610,000 households and more than 1.1 million viewers. I’m optimistic about the launch of the show’s regular season across all of our local markets. We’re pleased to provide content that’s not only entertaining, but also informative and actionable,” stated Patrick McCreery, Meredith Local Media Group President.

The show debuts on all 12 of the company’s local markets, including Atlanta, Phoenix, Portland, St. Louis, Nashville, Kansas City, Hartford-New Haven, Greenville-Spartanburg, Las Vegas, Mobile-Pensacola, Flint-Saginaw and Springfield, MA.
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