Cover Story: A Picture Worth A Hundred Thousand Names Of Agate Type

Monday's front page of the print edition of The New York Times utilizes a newspaper style known as the "tombstone" to commemorate the roughly 100,000 Americans who have died from the COVID-19 pandemic (so far).

The tombstone gets its name from a type of newspaper ad that is unadorned text, black on white, often enclosed in a simple box, with a centered headline and a number of lines in the body of the ad, usually also centered.
The name originates from the ad style's similarity in appearance to the text on a tombstone grave marker.

“I wanted something that people would look back on in 100 years to understand the toll of what we’re living through,” National Editor Marc Lacey stated.



1 comment about "Cover Story: A Picture Worth A Hundred Thousand Names Of Agate Type".
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  1. Tony Jarvis from Olympic Media Consultancy, May 26, 2020 at 6:58 p.m.

    Our Prints of darkeness!

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