Twitter Calls Out Trump Tweet With Manipulated Video Clip

Twitter has flagged another Donald Trump tweet: In this case, for its inclusion of video manipulated to distort its true context and imply that CNN aired it that way.

The video bears a chyron, faked to look like it is from CNN (above), declaring: "Breaking News: Terrified Toddler Runs From Racist Baby.”

The clip shows a white toddler supposedly chasing a black toddler down a sidewalk.

But when viewers click the “manipulated media” warning label now appearing on the clip, they see a fact-checking page that includes a link to CNN’s original share of the video.

The full clip actually shows the two toddlers running to embrace one another, with the headline: “These Two Toddlers Are Showing Us What Real-Life Besties Look Like.”

As 12:30 am today, the altered video had pulled 7.9 views.

“The altered video tags @carpedonktum in the lower right-hand corner, signaling that it was made by the infamous meme-making Trump fan who uses that pseudonym,” reported Techcrunch. “Carpe Donktum, a.k.a. Logan Cook, attended the White House’s social media summit, a largely anecdotal exercise in airing unsubstantiated complaints of social media’s anti-conservative bias last year.”

1 comment about "Twitter Calls Out Trump Tweet With Manipulated Video Clip".
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  1. Kelley Brightborn from Autocell, June 24, 2020 at 3:10 a.m.

    Nice job toeing the company line

    Keep on silencing conservatives.

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