Analytics Firm Touts Next-Day Returns For Linear, Streaming TV

Tatari, a data and analytics company focused on buying and measuring ads across linear and streaming TV, is starting up an automated next-day metric to tabulate return on advertising spend (ROAS) for linear and streaming TV buys.

“What we’ve done here, essentially, is to bring that functionality, with digital caliber, to TV,” stated Philip Inghelbrecht, chief executive officer of Tatari.

The company says previous attempts at TV ROAS have been difficult, requiring advertisers that are applying the right models and attribution get to accurate impressions, as well as and correctly tying revenue back to those impressions.

Tatari says its ROAS metric focuses on “incremental” performance for specific media channels. For example, it says it can segment consumers who have seen a TV ad but not on a digital media platform such as Facebook.

This allows for an accurate side-by-side comparison between TV, Facebook or other channels, for example, Tatari says. This means marketers can assign a more accurate value for each channel.



Tatari says this is better and more granular than “view-through” measures that look at messaging exposure, across all media channels over a period of time.

If, for example, an ad was viewed on multiple media channels -- with Facebook as the last place the ad was consumed before a consumer took action -- Facebook could claim the entire “view-through” value credit, leading to overestimation of a media channel's value.

Tatari clients included direct-to-consumers (D2C) brands -- who have in recent years made the transition to linear, live TV advertisers -- such as Roman, Lively, Daily Harvest, Calm and

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