Our March 6th Marketing Politics Weekly story "President No longer Favored To Win Reelection, Biden Now Tied At Even Money" about gambling odds shifting in Democratic presidential challenger Joe Biden's favor was the most-read story of the year, followed by Adam Buckman's May 28th "TVBlog" about a different kind of presidential race: "History Channel Makes History With 'Grant' Documentary."
The Media Kitchen CEO Barry Lowenthal's May 8th first-person account of how the pandemic was transforming his personal role, as well as his organization's, was the fifth most read article on MediaPost during 2020: "Pandemic Opens My Eyes To New Definition Of 'Busy'."
In terms of Media Daily News' articles explicitly, the best read stories of the year were decidedly more about the business of media planning and buying, including our most-read MDN story of the year, our April 8th "Facebook CPMs Crash, Fall To All-Time Low."
Two swan song articles about industry execs leaving their media shops -- "Tobaccowala Outgrows Publicis, Relinquishes Chief Growth Role" and "Publicis' Tom Goodwin, Opponent Of Cancel Culture, Falls Victim To It" -- were also among the most-read of the year.