Odds 'Trump' Social Net Will Be Huge: 40/1

With an implied probability of only 2.44%, oddsmakers predict the impeached former president's new social network will not be "Huge," literally.
With odds of 40/1, the name "Huge" ranked last among 15 potential brand names for a "Trump" social media platform, according to an analysis by US-Bookies.com.

The most probable name: "Real News," which while ironic, currently has the best odds at 5/1.

“With Trump announcing he will be creating a new social media platform in the next two to three months, it looks clear that the former president is relishing the opportunity to compete with the likes of Facebook and Twitter, the latter having permanently banned Trump earlier this year,” a US-Bookies spokesperson noted in the announcement of the odds, which are being released for "illustrative purposes" and are not intended for actual wagering.



“The former president’s tendency of putting his name front and center in business ventures" also makes Trump Social Media (8/1 odds) and "Trump Social Network (10/1 odds) near the top of the list, just behind "Uncanceled" (6/1 odds) and "Ungagged" (8/1 odds).

2 comments about "Odds 'Trump' Social Net Will Be Huge: 40/1".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, March 25, 2021 at 12:41 p.m.

    Joe, your headline had me worried. Until I read the article, I feared that you were predicting that his user base might be "huge". I still like my name for Trump's "platform"--"ME"---but I can see why he might use his name---or a variation, thereoff---to make certain that his "base" knows that it's his platform. Maybe TrumpMax? or TrumpOn? What do you think.

  2. John Grono from GAP Research, March 25, 2021 at 4:49 p.m.

    Turgid Rightwing Useless Media Propaganda?  Hang-on, what does abbreviate to?   Could have a winner there!

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