Google has rolled out a way for web owners to optimize videos published on their own site.
Publishers of video content can now use the SeekToAction markup language to identify key moments that allow searchers to navigate directly to certain video segments such as in a book chapter or how-to tutorial.
Increasingly, brands create videos to reach consumers. Google Search tries to automatically detect the segments in a video and show that key moments to users.
This SeekToAction markup tells Google how the URL structure works.
Previously, video creators had to manually label each segment in the videos that were uploaded to their website.
Now creators just identify the URL pattern for skipping to a specific time stamp within the video.
Google will use artificial intelligence to identify key moments in the video, and will display links directly to those moments in Search results.
The feature is being moved out of beta, so any site that publishes videos can use it. Google provides a list of tips when using SeekToAction markup for videos: