Children may be nervous about it. But email marketers should be relishing the back-to-school period, for 60% of parents plan to mostly shop online this year, according to School Shopping Trends, a study by Mulberry.
In general, 81% of parents shopped for back-to-school items last year, and 88% plan to do so this year online or in person. Of those, 68% expect to spend $100 or more.
In addition, 68% think back-to-school sales offer real savings. But 35% dread shopping with their child because of budget conflicts. And 50% would rather spend their back-to-school budget on something else.
Get your emails ready if you sell products in any of the following categories. Here’s what those who plan to shop expect to buy:
Even with the pandemic, here’s what parents who shopped bought last year:
Of the shoppers buying a phone, laptop or tablet for their child, 46% say they will buy an Apple-branded product and 25% a non-Appl- branded product.. And 29% are not sure yet.
Here are the main factors for people buying laptops or tablets:
The survey found that electronics shopping dropped as much as 15% compared to 2020.
Here are two other tidbits that may be pertinent:
Mulberry surveyed over 1,100 consumers in June 2021. Of those, 47% have children in elementary school, with 33% in middle school, 37% in high school and 17% in college.