In a new effort to deepen its Digital Ad Ratings, Nielsen has announced an approach to eliminate “digital identifiers” -- including cookies -- by measuring authenticated and unauthenticated web traffic.
The company's “cookieless” approach expands efforts to “reduce reliance on a single third-party provider.”
The platform will look to validate first-party server data with real consumer behavior. First-party data has become increasingly important for marketers, it says, when “identity” is not directly attributable to an ad impression.
Nielsen says this expanded approach will offer deduplication across linear and digital platforms, and that measuring authenticated and unauthenticated digital traffic will result in greater scale, offering “a comprehensive view” of optimization.
For authenticated traffic, the company says it will leverage all available identifiers and first-party data from participating clients -- hashed email addresses, Unified ID 2.0 and select, verified self-reported demographic labels.
For unauthenticated traffic, Nielsen says it has developed a machine-learning technique, as well as including data points with browser, content and device data information. Nielsen says the model has been validated against its panel for accuracy.
Last November, Nielsen announced its its ID Resolution System to address deduplication across linear and digital platforms as part of Nielsen One, the company’s single, cross-media currency, which it claimed will cover global outcomes and cross-media measurement solutions.
The Nielsen ID system is an a database of “identities” that could include email, user name, phone number, IP address, and physical address as well as demographic, geographic, behavioral, and purchase data.
Nielsen One's goal is to launch in 2022 in time for next year’s TV upfront advertising market.