Consumer “satisfaction” with news media internet sites showed no change this year versus 2020, according to a recent study.
On the scale of 0 to 100, major news organizations average an 74 satisfaction index in 2021 -- the same as the year before, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index study. and were tops with a slight lead over other sites, each with a 72 index score. FoxNews declined three index points from a year ago (75) and USAToday was up one index point from 2020 (71).
In addition to USA Today, HuffPost rose two points to a 71 index number (from 69). CNN was up one index point, also to 71.
In addition to Fox losing ground, also dropped one point to 71, while, went 4% lower to a 69 index score.
advertisement was unchanged at 70.
The study is based on interviews with 5,544 customers, chosen at random and contacted by email between July 6, 2020 and June 15, 2021.
The top social-media sites according to the study are: Pinterest, which came in at a 78 index satisfaction score, followed by YouTube with a 76, Wikipedia at 73, Reddit and TikTok, each with 72, and Snapchat with a 70.
Some of the biggest social-media platforms were at the bottom of the list: Instagram, LinkedIn, Tumbler -- each with a 69 score. Facebook and Twitter were lower -- with a 62 and 61 number, respectively.
The study asked customers to evaluate their recent experiences with the largest social media, search/information and news websites.