
Email Eats: It's The Preferred Marketing Channel For Hungry Millennials

Email is the top choice among Millennials for messaging from food stores and restaurants — 52% prefer it, versus 40% of Gen Zers, according to The New Age Of Elevated Expectations, a study by Progressive Grocer and Inmar Intelligence. 

In contrast, 51% of Gen Zers like social media, and 48% of millennials. Texting and physical mails are further down the list, and 14% overall want no messaging at all. 

And, despite email’s high ratings, it does not seem very memorable to younger consumers.  

Of those polled, 62% have seen information from food stores on social media first, and 60% of millennials. TV is second. Yet only 22% of Gen Zers cite email from a retail store, and 29% of millennials.  

These stats may spell an opportunity: If younger people prefer email but have not seen much content in that channel, stores and restaurants are probably not sending enough of it. 

Whatever the channel, consumers in those cohorts are influenced by what they read — 41% of millennials have spent more with a firm after reading or seeing something about them, and 48% of Gen Z.



But 50% overall have stopped buying from companies they have seen negative information about in the past year. 

Which values do they expect to see?

Above all, young shoppers want to know that stores and restaurants respect and treat their employees fairly — that includes 42% of millennials and 37% of Gen Z. 

Second, they like companies that give back to the local community — 26% of millennials feel that way, and 25% of Gen Z.  

Where do they spend their time online? YouTube is the top destination for Gen Z, and Facebook is the top choice for millennials. Instagram is second for Gen Z  (69%), but only 54% choose Facebook.   

A distant fourth cite the importance of knowing firms are environmentally conscious — 22% of millennials and 23% of Gen Z are driven by that concern when shopping. But only 12% of millennials and 13% of Gen Z say a brand must agree with them politically.

Around a quarter apiece want products that are sustainably and ethnically sourced. 

As for payment, the old ways are the best ways — 79% of millennials pay by credit/debit card, and 71% of Gen Z. 

In addition, 57% of millennials will use cash, and 60% of Gen Z.  But only 35% of each group uses mobile payment, and digital wallet is listed by 20% of millennials and 16% of Gen Z. 

When hungry, 77% of millennials simply look for something in their home, as do 70% of Gen Zers.  

Some are being careful with their money—only 43% of millennials and 39% of Gen Z spring for pickup/takeout, around 35 apiece order something for delivery and only 26% of millennials and 28% of Gen Z go out to a restaurant. 

Over half of both groups say shopping in stores is a great way to discover new or interesting products. Barely more than 10% see it as something old people do but young people don’t. 


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