
The Most Ethical Column I Will Ever Write

I've always considered myself an ethical journalist, especially when it comes to covering the ad industry, but now I can assert that I am certifiably so. That's because I'm the first ad trade journalist -- and from what I can tell -- the first journalist of any kind, to have been certified as an ethical professional.

I received my certification from the Institute of Advertising Ethics (IAE), which has begun rolling the program out, and from what they tell me, I'm the first journalist to complete it. And while it didn't school me explicitly on how to cover the ad industry ethically, at least I now know what makes for an ethical advertising pro.

I took the course to experience it firsthand as part of a straight news story running in today's MediaDailyNews, and I will tell you much of it seems pretty obvious and something we can probably all agree on, but there were some technical areas -- especially in the rapidly shifting areas of law, regulation and compliance around potential ethical liabilities, such as misuse of consumer data, etc. -- that are a little challenging.

I had to repeat some sections a couple of times in order to get it right, and even then there were a couple I simply couldn't answer. In the end, I got a 97% score and the right to call myself an ethical advertising pro, although I don't actually make ads or plan or buy media.

The process made me wonder why there is no professional certification program for journalists -- either business or consumer ones -- especially now, at a time when so much questionable reporting, and reporting practices, seems to be taking place.

Like the IAE, the Society of Professional Journalists does have a published "Code of Ethics" and they are pretty good, although basic principles based on reporting the truth, minimizing harm and being accountable and transparent about what you report, but if I would suggest that for the same reasons the IAE established a certification program for advertising ethics, it's high time the journalism industry did the same thing.

Ironically, one of IAE President Wally Snyder's foundational principles is that "advertising has the same obligation to serve the public that editorial does." It's ironic, because advertising at least now has a process for certifying that obligation, while journalism does not.

5 comments about "The Most Ethical Column I Will Ever Write".
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  1. Dan Ciccone from STACKED Entertainment, November 22, 2021 at 11:13 a.m.

    "The process made me wonder why there is no professional certification program for journalists -- either business or consumer ones -- especially now, at a time when so much questionable reporting, and reporting practices, seems to be taking place."

    Just until a short time ago, there was a universally recognized code to report the facts which has somehow disappeared with no punity for those who don't follow the rule.  Just a few short years ago, journalists would get fired for misrepresenting facts or omitting facts.  Think of Dan Rather and Brian Williams - it's hard to imagine either of those people would get fired today.

    Congrats on the certification - it will be interesting to see if your reporting is influenced at all in how you report on the inudstry.

  2. George Simpson from George H. Simpson Communications, November 22, 2021 at 1:59 p.m.

    Congrats Joe. Kinda nice to just take a course and be declared "ethical." Too bad the real world isn't that simple. One wonders if, in this age of Internet echo chambers, audiences really want their "journalists" to be ethical? Unfortunately, even ethics has become relative and subjective. 

  3. Kevin Killion from Stone House Systems, Inc., November 22, 2021 at 2:08 p.m.

    Sure, we want journalists to be ethical.  Even more than that, we can hope that journalists have ...

    1) Math competency: The two years of covid coverage tell us that many don't

    2) Training on recognizing informal logic fallacies

    3) Experience or a degree in content knowledge: having a J-school certificate doesn't make one an expert on everything.

  4. Craig Mcdaniel from Sweepstakes Today LLC, November 22, 2021 at 7:07 p.m.

    Hi Joe, we have disagreed on issues in the past, but I am proud of you for receiving the ethics certificate..  I am pulling for you to win the Advertising Teacher's Pet of the Year award!  Congrats!

  5. John Grono from GAP Research, November 22, 2021 at 7:35 p.m.

    Congratulations Joe.

    Any chance of a similar regimen for politicians?

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