Digitas has promoted Jen Faraci to Chief Data Officer, Caroline Winterton to President, New York, Melissa Levy to President, Boston and Morgan Carroll to President, Chicago.
These executives represent a combined 37 years at the agency. Faraci, a 12-year veteran of the agency and previously executive vice president, leads the Data & Analysis (DNA) teams as well as Publicis Groupe’s global Data Intelligence practice.
Winterton leads the New York region (Atlanta & New York), overseeing a team of over 600. She was previously managing director, New York. Before joining Digitas she was CEO of Barton F. Graf.
Levy, a 15-year-plus company veteran, was previously managing director for the Boston office and will continue to lead account management for North America.
Previously managing director, Carroll oversees the Chicago region with clients like Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Maytag, AAA/The Auto Club Group, and much more. He has been with Digitas for 8 years, working as a creative before making the jump to office leadership.