Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and integrated gaming company Enthusiast Gaming will soon invite qualified gamers ages 18 to 29 to apply for $75,000 in grants, as well as mentorship to help gamers advance toward careers in marketing and other related professions.
“Together, we identified a gap in the Canadian gaming industry,” Bill Drolet, Enthusiast Gaming senior vice president of sales and global partnerships, wrote in an email to Search & Performance Marketing Daily.
The program aims to give young people a foot in the door to the gaming industry.
RBC and Enthusiast Gaming began accepting applications today from the 150 young gamers who will gain access to mentorships. Out of that 150, one-third will receive grants of $1,500 each.
Applications will be accepted through July 18, and grants will be awarded in September.
“RBC is committed to youth in Canada, and has developed several programs to support Canadian youth such as RBC Race for the Kids, RBC Future Launch, and RBC youth mental health project,” Drolet wrote. This is the first issue of the RBC Gaming Grant. The partnership demonstrates RBC’s “innovation and altruism.” To reach Canada’s youth, RBC must meet them where they spend time--on video game platforms, Drolet wrote.
Drolet declined to name the mentors, but said the majority will work at Enthusiast Gaming and its subsidiaries, such as Luminosity Gaming, The Escapist, and Nintendo Enthusiast, along with special guests and creators from across the gaming industry.
The program is open to Canadian youth, excluding Quebec. RBC and Enthusiast Gaming employees, as well as dependents of employees are not eligible for a grant. There is no income disclosure requirement.
Participation in the RBC Gaming Grant program is required for grant eligibility, but does not guarantee a grant. Participants must submit an experience journal, a short video and written article defining their experience. Of those submissions, the top 50 students will be awarded grants.
The grant is part of RBC’s commitment to Canada’s youth.