On Tuesday, a global “extreme wellness and fitness brand” called Spartan launched the Unbreakable Global Pass, a digital NFT that grants buyers access to hundreds of real-world trails, obstacle course races, fitness challenges, and cultural experiences.
The pass even invites buyers to earn their “final resting place” at a burial site in Sparta, Greece.
In a recent statement, Spartan said it has a mission to change 100 million lives by giving people across the globe tools and equipment to “train hard, eat healthy, and develop habits that lead to a life of constant progress.”
Out of Spartan’s 15,000 Unbreakable Passes, 300 will be deemed “Super Rares,” which will grant randomly chosen pass holders a guaranteed 9 years of global pass access. All NFT passes are 100% sellable and transferable.
Spartan CEO and founder Joe De Sena told MediaPost that The Unbreakable Global Pass is meant to accelerate the company’s goal “by giving customers the ability to truly live like a Spartan,” adding that the company has “the next 9 years of your life planned” for NFT buyers “with 450+ events in over 50+ countries.”
The pass is also intended to pay homage to the 300 Spartan warriors who fought in the Battle of Thermopylae (famously pictured in the 2007 film featuring Gerard Butler) by incorporating the names of Unbreakable Pass buyers on a physical statue approved to be built in Ancient Sparta.
The statue will be decorated in 15,000 stones, each one adorned with the name of the initial 15,000 pass holders. De Sena plans to have his ashes buried under his stone and is inviting all Super Rare Unbreakable Pass holders to do the same.
“Now you can earn your final resting place,” De Sena said.
Unbreakable Pass holders will also be invited to attend an annual three-day event during which they will meet De Sena, attend live training sessions with elite athletes, and “feast together daily.”
In order to qualify for two additional three-year event periods, pass holders will need to attend all three Unbreakable Events.
Pass holders will have access to all Spartan-affiliated brands, including Spartan Races, Tough Mudders, Spartan Combat, Spartan Trail, and more. Merch drops and “other VIP treatment” and “loyalty rewards” will be made available to pass holders as well.